It's Friday! Which means nothing to me, since freelance writers have no days off, but which nevertheless always seems like something worth celebrating. Here's an excess of Connecticut for your weekend:
-You can't go wrong with weathervanes, and the Hartford Courant has a lovely little photo gallery of examples from around the state.
-I've been trying for years to convince a friend to drive the entire Connecticut section of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route with me; this official website of Revolutionary Connecticut sites has nine such tours, adding up to 600 miles.
-This is a very nice piece by Joshua Michtom, who seems to have cornered the entire "write about Connecticut" market, about walking the railroad tracks through the state's old industrial areas.
-This article about Norwich, primarily, but also a slew of other topics, came out in February. I'm still not sure what to make of it; there's about four articles crammed into one. Still, it's nice so see the southeastern cities getting some attention, even in a somewhat muddled way.
-Having been dragged kicking and screaming to Facebook (like this page, please!) all I can do is try to find the positive aspects of the thing. Which basically means I attempt to ignore the angry political crackpot types and block my high school reunion's attempts to friend me while wading through the copious amounts of fascinating content linked by people in groups like Creating a Sense Of Place For Connecticut.
-Finally, here's one tidbit I found there: this NPR story about the Foreign Mission School, or "Heathen School," in Cornwall.
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