Friday, December 19, 2014

Nutmeg Poisoning

It's Friday! Here are some more little Connecticut tidbits that I've come across in various corners of the Internet recently:

-This self-styled "seasoned world traveler" thought Stamford and Windsor Locks were, like, a couple minutes apart. He was wrong. He wrote a piece about it for the New York Times.

-There's a mineral called Danburite and it is named after Danbury. Yes, Connecticut's very own Danbury. It was discovered there in 1839. Those who believe crystals can do things other than sit on the shelf and look pretty say it promotes emotional healing. It is also considered an alternative to diamonds.

-"Nobody had seen a fire of this magnitude. Basically, an area the size of Connecticut...burned in 36 hours."

-I've linked to a few great Connecticut-centric Instagram accounts in previous Nutmeg Poisonings. Here are some more: CTUrbanPhotoGroup, dan.butler, and newhaveninsta. (And there's always me, of course!)

-This is the Connecticut entry in the States Plates Project, wherein artists re-imagine United States license plates. I like the grapes, but the colors are rather bland, in my not-so-humble opinion.

-Last but not least, I couldn't resist this New York Times Warning on Nutmeg.

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